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We want to help, and educate you, with Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), meridians are like highways inside the body that connect everything together. They link the inside organs with the outside and run from head to toe. They help carry energy (qi) and blood to keep muscles and bones healthy. Wind and Cold are two common reasons for getting sick in TCM. Wind is linked to spring and affects the liver, while Cold is linked to winter and affects the kidneys.


Acupuncture is a TCM treatment where specific points on the body are stimulated. This helps balance the organs, clear the meridians, and improve energy flow to prevent and treat illnesses. Acupuncture includes techniques like needles, heat (moxibustion), and cupping.


TCM is often used to treat long-term and age-related problems like hepatitis, bronchitis, and digestive issues. It's also helpful for women's health problems like period pain, infertility, and pregnancy issues.


TCM isn't just one thing; it's made up of different therapies. Some are used by trained TCM practitioners, while others are practiced by non-professionals. Some TCM methods are even starting to be accepted by modern medicine. For example, acupuncture and massage are used by both TCM experts and non-experts, but they might follow different theories or techniques.


Meet the owner!

Kiki Miller is a highly experienced massage therapist and hypnotherapist with over 15 years of practice in traditional Chinese medicine. Her strong faith in God is at the core of beliefs, and she firmly believes that anything is possible through Him.

Notice: I am a professional, and any type of work performed at Kiki Pain Relief is on a professional level. At no time is any sexual contact tolerated in or out of the office. I have the right to end the session without a refund at anytime due to any type of sexual advances or innuendos from the client.

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